Saturday, May 7, 2016

25 things INFJ's love to hate.

I'm not a huge MBTI follower. Some people treat it like their religion and base everything they do on it. They make it look like a downright cult. For me, I use it as a guide to my introspection, but by no means is it the personality syllabus people make it out to be. I understand though, people love labels. They love to fit into something and feel like they belong. People want a written life plan signed, sealed and laminated with their perfect future, like it's a secret recipe from grandma. Most don't realize that you need to figure it out yourself. No one, absolutely no one can give you a blue print to your path. Unless of course you were born into obscene wealth, where your path is conveniently chosen, until you're miserable or spend obscene amounts of money later in life to find out what you really want. That's doable too. For those not of the 1% variety, you are not going to have the convenience. I think that it's really dangerous to pigeonhole yourself with a personality measuring test.

That said, I have tested INFJ every time during every mood, no matter how much I don't want to. It wasn't even until 6 months after that I found out INFJ was pretty rare and that it was the apparently "cool" type to be. There is nothing fucking cool about this type. Not if you struggle with depression and anxiety. It is your worst enemy. You have no idea. When it comes to the Fi aspect and intuition, I find these things are accurate concerning my experience. I find it is among most Fi (feeling) ruling personalities, and I have talked to many over the past year. I'm still working on my skepticism with intuition, but I literally feel things in my gut when they happen or are about to happen, to me or anyone else. That's hard to ignore. Sometimes this can be hard to tell though, due to anxiety/paranoia, which brings up its own host of feelings that confuse it. Which, is probably why I'm so skeptical right now. When I think back to earlier times though, friends would constantly be amazed by my perceived intuition; always being right about the way things would turn out or what someone would say, knowing when someone was cheating or lying... I remember a distinct instance where after a break up, I told my ex I knew what he was doing. He later told me when we became friends, that he asked his gf at the time how I could know that and she said "I do too. Some women just know these things." I have plenty of instances like that. So, it really makes me wonder, but I think the title, "Women's Intuition", isn't accurate. I know men who are the same way.

Number 14 is probably the most resonating to me. If you often run on emotions that cloud your logic or you choose to ignore the logic, (Because it's easier to lie to yourself than face the truth) this is for you. If you apologize for the way you feel, this is for you. If you find yourself overwhelmed in a group of people just because you can feel their emotions and almost read their thoughts, this is for you. If you find yourself wanting to know more, this is for you and you should read the article.

25 Things INFJ's love to hate.

Monday, June 18, 2012

It's not so complicated

I can't stand firm on one side or the other, when i lack proof to dismember the belief of one God. Even though i have a very scientific mind and want proof for everything. Maybe it is beyond the capacity of the human brain. I don't believe in testaments or organized religion, but i do believe in the possibility of a creator or existence in some form. I have heard enough stories that would be construed as miracles, to be open to something bigger than us.
I grew up very religious and mostly out of the fear instilled by others, and mainly churches. I slowly learned to question what didn't make sense and established a very open mind in the process. The stories i could tell you i was told would frighten you into believing. That, unfortunately is how i became so devoted to one god. The one man who supposedly died for our sins. They teach you that you are basically born a sinner, as he died for your sins. We are the growth of the sin that once was. The sin ancestors, the ... sini..sisters, if you will.
With all that said, i don't want to be labeled spiritual, but that is usually what category i'd be lumped into. :) Nothing could be further from logic than believing there exists no possibility beyond us, if we manifested or came from something "in the beginning" This isn't something profound, it's just simple deduction. The thing i struggle with is narrowing it down to one entity or thing and i think i will do that for as long as i live. Are we star dust or are we so much more than comprehensible?
I'm honestly jealous of those who are sure of an ever presence light guiding over them. No matter what cruelty overcomes them or a loved one, despite all that's wrong in this world, they see a safety in something not shown. They go by the faith, belief based on feeling and what was told to them. They believe that all the wrong that happens is for a reason. The very thing i cannot wrap my head around. all the anguish, all the horrific accidents that occur every day, every min, are all meant to be. I cannot accept this. I wish i could.
I wish that i had the capability of ignoring all the reasons to stay firmly "undecided", like a major. I major in indecision when it comes to a lot of things. All through college i had an art goal, but really i was forever undecided. I am undeclared, but i am alright with that. I think for me, it is better to be open to more than what is told to me. The beauty in this world is far too great to me, to be created solely by one 'thing'.
Again, i so deeply want that solace you find in your savior. Maybe one day, i will find that in myself. My goal is to come to terms with the fact that i don't know.
I respect anyone who believes anything. People come from all walks of life, all different experiences and upbringing. To judge them solely based on the conclusion they came to about the after world, would be akin to judging someone based on how they dress, what food they eat, how they deal with issues. Everyone deals with things differently. When they happen to differ from you, there is no logical reason for you to hate them because they don't believe the same as you.
How did we get to this point where we let our children grow up judging people? Why is religion such a sensitive subject? How daft of a thing to be sensitive over when there are so many other things to fight for that actually harm us. The only reason religion harms us is because we let it. It could be a very pleasant sanctity for all of us, if we would stop judging.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Don't take my brush.

I love how the subconsciousness takes an everyday inanimate object and makes it the focal point of a dream, yet it stands for something much deeper.

Someone had a brush of mine, of all things, and waived it around at me. Either i had a really bad hair day, and they liked that they had control over it. Or simply, they had something i wanted so desperately, like a dog salivating for treats, but could never obtain.

This may stand for me constantly trying to obtain something, which goes with the theme of my life right now. Yeah, i know it's just a mashup of things in your head and what you saw during the day mostly, but i still like to analyze. I think part of dreams are telling in some ways. After all, they are your thoughts.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

About and for the artists and writers of the world, who happen to love coffee.

I've had this idea for a website ever since i was 22. It was a strong passion of mine to start something revolving around anything and everything involving art, with a concentration on written prose. Procrastination and just plain being busy with school, work and a relationship won the what if battle, for many a year. This was way back ( god, that sounds weird) before blogging took over the populous of lurking websurfers. I wanted to make something that fed my love for every medium of art on a regular basis whilst fusing it with my unwavering love for the beautiful bean. I know many of you don't work or create without it, or some other preferred drug. Tea is a close second. 

Since being diagnosed with Fibro just a few months ago, I have realized that there was more beauty to this drug than waves of thoughts, actions, and "doing stupid things faster" Once the main chemical is mixed with an NSAID, the coffee then increases that meds strength, thus creating more elimination of pain. This and many other reasons led me to buy that caffeine molecule t-shirt, circulating the internets. In moderation, coffee truly is a healer. This will be a work in progress...