Saturday, May 7, 2016

25 things INFJ's love to hate.

I'm not a huge MBTI follower. Some people treat it like their religion and base everything they do on it. They make it look like a downright cult. For me, I use it as a guide to my introspection, but by no means is it the personality syllabus people make it out to be. I understand though, people love labels. They love to fit into something and feel like they belong. People want a written life plan signed, sealed and laminated with their perfect future, like it's a secret recipe from grandma. Most don't realize that you need to figure it out yourself. No one, absolutely no one can give you a blue print to your path. Unless of course you were born into obscene wealth, where your path is conveniently chosen, until you're miserable or spend obscene amounts of money later in life to find out what you really want. That's doable too. For those not of the 1% variety, you are not going to have the convenience. I think that it's really dangerous to pigeonhole yourself with a personality measuring test.

That said, I have tested INFJ every time during every mood, no matter how much I don't want to. It wasn't even until 6 months after that I found out INFJ was pretty rare and that it was the apparently "cool" type to be. There is nothing fucking cool about this type. Not if you struggle with depression and anxiety. It is your worst enemy. You have no idea. When it comes to the Fi aspect and intuition, I find these things are accurate concerning my experience. I find it is among most Fi (feeling) ruling personalities, and I have talked to many over the past year. I'm still working on my skepticism with intuition, but I literally feel things in my gut when they happen or are about to happen, to me or anyone else. That's hard to ignore. Sometimes this can be hard to tell though, due to anxiety/paranoia, which brings up its own host of feelings that confuse it. Which, is probably why I'm so skeptical right now. When I think back to earlier times though, friends would constantly be amazed by my perceived intuition; always being right about the way things would turn out or what someone would say, knowing when someone was cheating or lying... I remember a distinct instance where after a break up, I told my ex I knew what he was doing. He later told me when we became friends, that he asked his gf at the time how I could know that and she said "I do too. Some women just know these things." I have plenty of instances like that. So, it really makes me wonder, but I think the title, "Women's Intuition", isn't accurate. I know men who are the same way.

Number 14 is probably the most resonating to me. If you often run on emotions that cloud your logic or you choose to ignore the logic, (Because it's easier to lie to yourself than face the truth) this is for you. If you apologize for the way you feel, this is for you. If you find yourself overwhelmed in a group of people just because you can feel their emotions and almost read their thoughts, this is for you. If you find yourself wanting to know more, this is for you and you should read the article.

25 Things INFJ's love to hate.

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